DX Silver Titanium Suunto Dive Computer SUUNTO Dx Silver is the trusted choice of all professional divers. The New Suunto DX silver is the best dive computer for Open Circuit an re-breather divers and the first off a kind that features CCR compatibility.
https://youtu.be/m_M9ELBZ5Mk SUUNTO Dx Silver Titanium: Specifications New, advanced Suunto Fused™ RGBM for CCR, technical and recreational diving Trimix support including helium and oxygen. Gas switching between up to eight gases. 3D tilt-compensated digital compass. Five modes: CCR, air, mixed gas, gauge, and off. Optional wireless air integration. Built-in dive planner. Stunning, compact design. Hard-wearing premium materials: titanium case and scratch-resistant sapphire crystal glass. Silver Titanium bracelet. Note we do not Supply out side of Thailand without incurring additional fees for Shipmen. SUUNTO Dx: Rebreather Specifications A setpoint, non-monitoring dive computer with dedicated CCR mode. Configure up to 3 different diluents. Adjustable high and low setpoints, as well as custom setpoint during dive. Automatic setpoints switching at specified depths. Possibility to switch to open circuit mode in case of bailout. Suunto DX – Calibrating the Digital 3D Compass Available and in Stock Contact us Now Suunto Dx Safety Notice The DX has a silver titanium bracelet, D-series USB cable, safety leaflet, quick guide, legal leaflet with warranty information, and Suunto logo sticker. Please note that before you scuba dive in Phuket with your new Suunto Dx please make sure that you fully understand how to use the Dx computers, displays and limitations of your new scuba diving instruments. If you have any questions about this dive computer, contact your Suunto local dealer before diving. Always remember that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE AS A CERTIFIED DIVER FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY and that of your Dive Buddy. NOTE: We do not Supply out side of Thailand without customers incurring additional fees for ShipmentSuunto DX Titanium
Suunto Dx Silver Titanium scuba diving computer, for CCR, Tech and Recreational Divers.
In Stock Price 46,000 THB Buy Now Online.
NOTE: We do not Supply out side of Thailand without incurring additional fees for Shipment